Mega deal in the German fashion industry!

Zalando will schluck Konkurrenten over you. Nor ist der Versandhandel Otto met 37 Prozent der Hauptaktionär des Burger Online handlers.

BILD made a 1.13 billion euro deal that is not being investigated, but the weight of the fraud is increasing.

Wappnen sich Zalando & About You because of China-Schrott von Temu und Shein?

Prof. Dr. Carsten Kortum, Trade Expert of the Dualen Hochschule Baden-Württemberg in Heilbronn

Prof. Dr. Carsten Kortum, Trade Expert of the Dualen Hochschule Baden-Württemberg in Heilbronn

Photo: C. Kortum

Prof. Dr. Carsten Kortum, trade expert from the Dualen Hochschule Baden-Württemberg in Heilbronn gegenüber BILD: “The aggressive Chinese platforms have become a European champion in the e-commerce mode. Zalando does not want to do this at budget level and will never be able to do so again.”

Also no Zusammenschluss against Temu and Shein. “Stattdessen wird die Wettbewerbsposition gegenüber other European E-Commerce-Händlern who Asos, Inditex, H&M and the Otto-Gruppe started,” said Prof. Kortum.

Warum buys the Otto Group in your previous and about you?

“With the potential free investment activities, the Otto Group will continue to develop its internal portfolios and continue to scale OTTO, the strategically relevant markets and the financial services segments,” he said in the Otto Group press conference. .

Over the course of 2023/24, the Otto Group has received a relief of 426 million euros. Prof. Brief explanation: “A minority interest in the large impact on the future of Otto keine Option. Cash is used, a bank can make its money with money.”

Die Zentral von Otto in Hamburg

Die Zentrale von Otto in Hamburg

Photo: photo alliance/dpa

Who fell Money Fly into the Otto Group cash registers?

Once the Verkauf has put 450 million euros in the cash, Otto will invest in other areas.

The large amount of money spent from the 6.50 euros is multiplied by an amount of 70 million shares, the von der Otto Group and some of the content is expanded.

Was the bedeutet the Übernahme für die Mitarbeiter?

Bei About You employs 1500 people. Zalando highlights the synergy possibilities during the integration of About You, the efficiency and adaptability of the production or new technology activities.

The Zalando-Zentrale in Berlin

The Zalando-Zentrale in Berlin

Photo: photo alliance / Shotshop

Expert Prof. Kortum has found a study that both took on a guarantee: “There were a number of problems and exempt resources that could be used, but the job would probably be used.”

How good is your Zalando from the overall experience?

“Synergy in Logistics, IT and Zahlungsabwicklung sollen Einsparungen von 100 Mio. Bringing Euros,” says Prof. Kortum. The software version of SCAYLE (About You) and Tradebyte (Zalando) is available via E-Commerce technology. Zudem plant Zalando has a Zwei-Marken-Strategie in de Endkundengeschäft, while both Marken operate their own standard bleiben and unterchiedliche Zielgruppen. The time has come.

Why do those Aktien react so unceremoniously?

After the announcement, the Zalando promotion was published on 9 Prozent, with About-You-Papiere on 65 Prozent. Expert Prof. Kortum meint: “Due to the excess of history, we will start the Zalando promotion with the trading start in 9 percent. If you know that the rates are relative and are now only a small minus.”

Was anyone else aware of their skills?

“Both partners no longer get the Marches, but they can get the best nieces. Two different Einkauferlebnisse sollen were created, so that the soul groups are not over-schneiden”, so Prof. Kortum. You can enjoy more of the customary sorting of both Marken nuts.

Who is beyond the deal in Zaland’s long-winded strategy?

Robert Gentz ​​​​(41) war at the Zalando Gründung 2008 with dabei

Robert Gentz ​​​​(41) war at the Zalando Gründung 2008 with dabei

Photo: photo alliance / ipa agency

Robert Gentz, co-CEO of Zalando: “I am a B2C company that can make Marken and people attractive and uninterested.” Gerade at the young Soul Group that helped Zalando through the deal, thought Prof. Kortum.

“Zalando 2023 from H&M as Multichannel Fashion provider in europaweiten Ranking überholt and the like after more Wachstumsmöglichkeiten im 450 Billion. Euro Umsatz Gesamtmarkt in Europa“, so der Experte.

Which risks will prevail?

Prof. Kortum thinks that there is more money available at Zalando for 2.4 billion. Euro that delivers profitability is possible. Outside the mountains there is a surplus of risks, “who are likely to face these Unternehmenskulturen lassen”.

Were there any hints about you?

Tarek Müller (36), Mitgründer von About you

Tarek Müller (36), Mitgründer von About you

Photo: About you

“Without some of the interest, with so many brilliant people, a number of fellow colleagues and bringing together the next Chapter of the Heritage of Zalando and About You,” says Tarek Müller, Co-CEO of About You.

Since 2018, About You is also a Beteiligungsgesellschaft in the Otto Konzern portfolio, found and assessed on the status of the first Hamburger Unicorns. Since 2021, the Unternehmen an der Frankfurter Börse has been listed.

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